I know what you mean! Friendships now are not like they were in high school and I miss it too. Everyone is so far away and justifiably busy. It seems like the last real friendship I made (meaning I told that person everything about me) was just after high school and I dont even talk to that person any more. I just asked Eddie about it and he said he thinks its bc in high school, you spend all day with friends and then socialize with them outside of school and talk with them on the phone when you aren't with them, but now we don't have that time or luxury. But quality time doesn't equal friends, does it? Don't get me wrong; I have lots of great friends that I have made recently, but they aren't the same as the ones back in high school. I hardly get to see most of them and there isn't enough time to gab on the phone like we used to. It's like it's hard to keep most friends close after you get married.
To quote another's blog about the transition from having friends to being settled in your marriage:
"You have your group of friends. You do everything together. You meet a guy, date the guy, fall in love with the guy. You stop doing everything with your friends and instead split the time between the two. Your friends are fine with this because they have their own boyfriends. And those who don't have boyfriends might resent you some but they would never say it openly.
Then that guy becomes "the guy". You get married, settle down and decide to start a family. During the pregnancy your friends organize a baby shower. You're happy and content. Then the big day comes and baby arrives. Your friends visit you in the hospital and you go home after. Thus begins the transition into Mommydom.
But then, it happens. You are invited to a girls night out but you have to decline, the baby is sick. Then you are asked to a shopping spree with the girls. Trouble is you're saving for Christmas and you know they will expect to eat out. So you tell them you can go but have to leave after the shopping is done. You go and they push you to go eat, you need to "catch up". You explain money is tight and you simply cannot but thank them and go home. Then a few weeks later you and the hubs have plans for a dinner out. Your friends call a few days before and ask you out and you explain you have a date with the husband.
When it's all said and done, it is just you and your spouse. Some of the friendships continue but only in the form of going out once in a blue moon to lunch or random phone calls. Otherwise it's just you and him and your children. You fall into a habit and the times you leave the house are always spent together.
Does this sound familiar to any of you? I'm sure certain details might be different but overall? I've been thinking about how friendships change after someone gets married or starts having children. I can attest to the fact that many friends move along as soon as they realize you're lifestyle and value systems have changed.
So tell me, is it just me? Or has this happened to you? Did alot of your friendships come to an end once you married? How about your husbands? or your wives?"
Let me know what you all think.