Friday, May 16, 2008

Sinto saudades de 'homework'

I didn't think I would miss school this much, but I totally do. I miss assignments and homework and class discussions on psychology terms and theories. I miss the conversations with my classmates. Even though I did not know any of them on any sort of personal level, the connection between us as students and our passion for psychology made me feel like they were kindred spirits. I do have wonderful friends to talk with and Eddie has always humored my psycho babble, but I know he believes most of it to be "fake Freudian stuff" and several of my friends have made the same comment. If there are any psychology lovers out there, please find me. I need the interaction.

1 comment:

The Payne family said...

Hey, you can talk to JR about Psychology all day. He is just at home too so it will work out perfectly!