Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I don't feel so good."

This whole past week I felt like I was coming down with something and the funny thing is I watched it happen to Ben at the same time. We both started out with runny noses, stuffiness, aching, and now yucky coughs and an overall crappy feeling. Just in time for Thanksgiving! Yay. Last night, I was up with him at about one in the morning. He would cough so hard that you could hear it scratch and strain his throat muscles. He would put his hand on his neck, look at me with sad, sad eyes that were full of tears, and whimper a dejected: "Oooh..." Broke my heart. I don't even think I care anymore if I am sick; I just want my baby to feel better.


Gina said...

Sick babies are the saddest thing ever! I hope you both feel better soon!

Leticia Ginatto said...

Wolfee, saudades de vc!! Como vai a vida de mamãe?? Me caso dia 26/12 e estou tão ansiosa!!:)Adorei seu blog, só não tive tanta paciência de ficar traduzindo tudo, rss afinal, muitas gírias ( q preguiçosa, né?) Desculpe... mas espero q vcs melhorem!! Um suuuper beijoo, Rechi