Thursday, April 30, 2009

Draw a line

Written April 2009: Last weekend, Eddie and I moved into our new house. I found myself driving our CR-V jam packed with cardboard boxes, photo frames, and miscellaneous knick-knacks. As I attempted to look in my rearview mirror in an effort to make sure Eddie was handling the 26 foot U-Haul ok, I glanced at the pile of accumulated personal items. It should be noted here that I tend to hoard personal items that have any sort of sentimental or memory evocative attachment. Why? If you know me well, you would know that I have a less than perfect memory. I suppose I collect things to remember what I so often forget. These items fill in the gaps for me when my brain cannot recall it. Imagine if you will, my memory as a blank connect-the-dot game. Sad, perhaps, but true. It was then that it dawned on me... how my life is a pathway lined with or connected by these items. My yearbooks, elementary school journals, pregnancy clothes, mission photos, stuffed animals, Ben's baby clothes, Eddie's soccer jerseys... They all mark the path of our lives seperately and together. It's funny how moving makes you so nostalgic and "trunky."

And I am left with questions: Am I the sum of these boxes? Do they make me who I am? Or am I greater than these parts?


Sher said...

Congrats on the home! how exciting! I bet you're having a blast decorating! We're looking into a moving into a bigger home in a year or two, not sure where. You still haven't met Keira yet! or my husband! lol, let me know when we can get together. What area is your home?

Heather said...

Well I'm glad you finally put a picture up of your home.
Congrats again.
All of our "stuff" helped us get to where we are today.
But for me if I haven't looked at it in a year or used it I don't need it. Throw it away.... unless it's pictures of course.